I will be traveling to Hong Kong (HK) in three days and one of my goals is to find a good MP3 player. As per my previous post, I had almost made up my mind to buy a Sandisk Sansa e260. However, the MP3 market has been really active in the recent past, and a few really exciting new players have come out. One example is the iriver clix. Reviewers have been raving about this player, but have also pointed out its lack of storage (only 2GB). So, it almost back to square one for me. I haven't made up a decision yet. I guess I'll just go there and see what's available. Besides, I was told that Sandisk may not be that popular in Hong Kong. We'll just have to wait and see.
Although I have traveled to other Asian countries such as Singapore and Thailand, traveling to a Chinese country would be interesting. The main aim of this trip is to travel to Taiwan, where I will be attending the ITS 2006 conference. I will be presenting a research paper there. The stop over at HK is mainly for shopping and tourism.